Why Viber and CRM match together?

The history of Viber. Viber for business. Mass campaigns and individual messages with Viber and CRM as a marketing tool tandem. Applications and reporting.

Viber’s History

Before we get to the core of today's topic, here are some interesting facts about Viber that you may not know:

  • Viber was founded in 2010 in Tel Aviv by Talmon Marko and Igor Magazinik, friends and colleagues from the Israeli Defense Forces, where they were Chief Information Officers.
  • Since 2014, Viber has been owned by the Japanese giant Rakuten, a company in the field of e-commerce and financial services.
  • After the acquisition by Rakuten, Viber's headquarters are based in Luxembourg, but the company is registered in Cyprus, and prior to 2014, the development and research operating centers were located in Israel and Belarus.

Viber for Business

Viber has  90% market share in Belarus, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Serbia, and an impressive 97.7% in Ukraine, which makes it an absolute consumer favorite in Eastern Europe. Viber is also extremely popular in Africa, Asia Pacific, the Near East and India. 

Тhe chat application is an extremely effective and practical solution for business purposes in two main areas - customer service and marketing.

We have already covered the benefits of Viber for customer service in a separate article. You can review them HERE.

Now, it's Viber's turn as a marketing tool to reach your customers, either through individual or mass marketing messages, using the CRM solution it's integrated into.

Why is Viber a preferred tool for marketing campaigns?

Wide Audience

The application has over 820 million active users monthly, and is being used in 193 countries across the globe.


1 in 4 users clicks on the Call-to-Action button on the marketing message they receive on Viber, which translates to a potential 25% CTR.


The delivery rate of Viber messages is really impressive - as much as 97%, which means that your marketing messages will definitely not "go to waste".


With mass and individual Viber campaigns, you reduce marketing costs. Viber for Business gives you 10,000 free sessions per month (see Viber’s terms and conditions), and once these are used up, the rates are low.

 Viber marketing Visual 1

The combination of these advantages makes Viber an excellent tool for mass and individual marketing campaigns that are perceived positively by users and bring great results to your business. Here's how they can be even more successful…

Marketing Campaigns with CRM + Viber

Viber marketing is far more effective when integrated into a CRM system and both work in symbiosis to achieve better campaign results and increase customer satisfaction. On one hand, all the familiar and favorite features of the chat application are in use, and on the other – the CRM system stores all data related to customers and campaigns.

Here are the main advantages of using Viber in a CRM solution:

Viber Business Account

The use of personal Viber profiles for business purposes is against the Viber’s policy, and at the same time the use of a business account is a plus for the corporate image. Viber for Business is a business profile that provides users with information about you – your logo, your company name, industry, location, website, and an About section with brief description of your business. When a customer initiates a contact with your Viber Business Account, they automatically receive  Welcome Message with content of your choice.

Viber Marketing Message

Regardless of the nature of the campaign, Viber marketing messages are made according to a unified template, which may contain:

  • Photo, picture, graphic
  • Text, emojis, link
  • Call-to-Action button, which leads to the desired landing page when clicked
Viber Marketing Message

Mass Viber Campaigns

The CRM + Viber combination is an excellent solution for mass marketing campaigns and Bulk Texting (sending the same message to a particular number of contacts without the necessity of them being in a Viber group). The CRM system provides the opportunity for precise targeting of the campaign - selection of recipients according to desired criteria (gender, industry, age, etc.). Another advantage of organizing Viber Marketing Campaigns with the help of a CRM system is the ability to define the precise timing for sending the chat messages (e.g., weekdays between 11AM and 5PM). This way you reach a large number of customers at the desired time, and they receive your marketing message directly in their Viber application on their phones.

Individual Viber Messages

Besides the mass campaigns, CRM + Viber also gives you the opportunity for One-On-One communication with customers – they have a personal channel with your brand, in which communication is two-way i.e., they can contact your representatives when needed, and you can contact them when you want to send them a personalized marketing message or other information. All correspondence from this channel is recorded in the client's profile in the CRM system.

Viber Marketing Applications

In terms of mass and individual marketing campaigns, Viber works successfully for any type of promotion and activity.

  • Notification for seasonal discounts, offers and promotional prices of products and services
  • Invitation to participate in an event or register for a webinar
  • Information about new products and services
  • Collecting feedback on the quality of the product and/or the service

Viber Marketing Visual 2

Viber Campaign Reports

The CRM system with integrated Viber provides the opportunity for detailed reporting on the sent marketing messages/campaigns:

  • Number of messages sent
  • Number of messages received
  • Number of messages seen
  • Number of clicks on the Call-to-Action button and the included visual

Thanks to the successful combination of CRM + Viber, you personalize the relationship with your customers through One-On-One marketing, which contributes to their loyalty and a better user experience. At the same time, you reach a large number of consumers with your mass campaigns, which ensures timely customer awareness and increases the potential for more deals.

InfoServ CRM has Viber integration that works efficiently for both customer service and marketing campaigns.

Request a free demo HERE and see in detail the capabilities of InfoServ CRM and Viber, which work in perfect tandem to increase customer satisfaction and sales volume, and overall improve your business.

Tags: viber applications campaign reports mass campaigns viber history viber marketing marketing message individual messages viber for business viber and crm marketing campaigns

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